Dave & Vinny: The BBB Diet


Longcroft Estate, Rampant Horse Pub.

Dave sat down at his usual table and sighed heavily then looked across of Vinny.

Vinny sipped his pint and looked over at his mate.

“You look miserable as sin my friend.”

Dave nodded sadly and patted his belly.

“The wife has me on a January diet.”

Dave sipped his pint.

“That’s crap pal. As it goes I’m on a kind of a diet myself.

“Really Vin? Do enlighten me.

“It’s called the BBB diet.”


“Yep. Beer, burger and bet.”

“How’s that working out for you.”

Vinny winked.

“No issues so far.”



Diversified Writer

Darren is a short story and novella writer. He likes tall tales that have humour and heart. He’ll occasionally bring you poetry, finance and health blog posts.